Figuring Out How Lie Detectors Work

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The polygraph test has become known for detecting lies in a number of different settings. These types of lie detector tests are used inside of businesses. The FBI may also utilizes these types of tests when they are trying to find out if someone is telling the truth. In order to figure out how the lie detector provides a better gauge for who is being honest one must understand how these lie detectors work.

Change In Body

The lie detector test is honestly something that is designed to detect changes in the body. This is where more people get the chance to find out if someone is telling the truth. Sweaty hands can be a sign of a person that is telling a lie. The most common thing that plays some part in determining if the person is lying is their heart rate. That tends to be the way that the lie detector distinguishes what is interpreted as the truth or a lie.

Indication Marks 

If a person is asked questions there is a needle that is define to indicator markers where a person has an elevated heart rate when they answer certain questions. This provides a graph of different questions that have been asked that show spikes if there are any questions that may have been answered with a lie. 

It has been said that polygraph test is questionable. This is essentially the interpretation of a possible lie. There are times were people are able to answer questions with a lie and have no change in their heart rate. For most people, however, the polygraph test is a good indicator of lies.

Published on lie detector, polygraph

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